Sunday, August 23, 2020

ACT English Questions, Reporting Categories, and Content

ACT English Questions, Reporting Categories, and Content ACT English Intro Shakespeare, you’re not (regardless of whether you do glance great in those Elizabethan leggings). That doesn't mean you can’t score well on the ACT English test. Trust me on this. A large portion of what you will experience on the ACT English area of the test is stuff you have done a million times in school. Of course, the configuration is extraordinary - you can get truly faltered thanks to on the passage dividing in the event that you are not cautious - but rather the substance ought to be genuinely simple for those of you who didnt flop out of the entirety of your English and Language Arts classes. Peruse beneath for the entirety of the ACT English Basics. What's more, when you’re done getting the lay of the land, read through the ACT English systems to help yourself before you test! ACT English Basics On the off chance that you’ve read ACT 101, you know the accompanying treats about the ACT English area: 5 entries of text75 different decision questions (fifteen for every passage)45 minutesApproximately 30 seconds for every inquiry ACT English Scoring Much the same as the other different choiceâ sections, the ACT English area can acquire you somewhere in the range of 1 and 36 focuses. This score will be arrived at the midpoint of with the scores from the other various decision areas (Math, Science Reasoning and Reading) to get you your Composite ACT score. Youll additionally get your crude scores dependent on detailing classifications that were presented in 2016. Here, youll perceive what number of inquiries you addressed accurately in the Production of Writing, Knowledge of Language, and Conventions of Standard English. They don't in any capacity influence your area or composite ACT score. Or maybe, they give you a sign of where you can improve on the off chance that you should take the once more. The English score is additionally organized with the Reading and Writing area scores to give you an ELA (English Language Arts) score. Like theâ The normal ACT English score is around a 21, yet you’ll need to show improvement over that if you’d like to hit up a top college for confirmations acknowledgment †increasingly like between a 30 and 34. ACT English Test Content As I expressed already, youll have three announcing classes dissipated all through the ACT test. You won't see Production of Writing, Knowledge of Language, or Conventions of Standard English segments - that would be excessively simple! Or maybe, youll experience these sorts of inquiries as you work through each of the five entries. Creation of Writing (roughly 22 - 24 inquiries) Point Development: Identify the creators reason Identify whether a segment of content has met its goalEvaluate materials importance regarding the writings focusOrganization, Unity and Cohesion:Use techniques to make sensible organizationUse methodologies to guarantee a smooth flowEnsure successful presentations and ends Information on Language (around 10 - 14 inquiries) Guaranteeing concision and accuracy in word choiceMaintain predictable styleMaintain reliable tone Shows of Standard English (around 38 - 42 inquiries) Sentence Structure and Formation:  Identify lost modifiers (descriptors, intensifiers, and so on.) Fix run-ons, pieces and comma graft sentencesResolve issues with inappropriate statement utilization Correctâ parallel structure. Punctuation Resolve ill-advised use ofâ commas, punctuations, colons, semicolons,â quotation marks, etc.Improve the content with different punctuationUsageRecognize basic issues with standard English usage.Revise normal issues to improve the writing.â  ACT English Test Practice There it is †the ACT English area to sum things up. Figure you can pass this terrible kid? On the off chance that not, at that point you have some significant arrangement before you. The English area isn't simple by any stretch. Without a doubt, its stuff youve learned in secondary school, yet it is likewise extraordinarily testing on the off chance that you havent truly had particularly language structure or accentuation practice in some time. On the off chance that you need to prepare, take a stab at beginning with the most ideal approaches to read for the ACT. At that point, proceed onward to the ACT English practice questions. Once youve aced that, you can readâ through these ACT English Strategies so you are doubly arranged!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Fun Fair in Sat Hill Park Essay

Everything began out of the blue. The tempest started to deteriorate, hints of the tempest thundered the environment, with rage. Everything felt like a haze. Mist prodded over the fields of the way, maybe the way was deserted, in light of quiet that carried cries to each to every spirit. I could see the individuals preparing, taking their places in line. Time was running, quick as a seismic tremor wrecks land in no time. It was coming to first light, not sitting tight for a hold. It was as just a single individual was permitted to move and goes on hold as a cell phone. Not exactly a second ,the tempest halted, more joyful faces came and they began to run as quick as a bull, chasing its prey. For some time, everybody was in their very own brain , having a ton of fun; and considerably more. However, not for long.Out of no where came 3 men wearing dark with faces covered up and bodies secured with cowhide coat and pants with trainers.They had a similar garments, it resembled a uniform. At that point ,one man pointed the weapon up high;asking for consideration however before we knew it ; it was focused on the closest individual close him..The ground was dissipated with body parts separated from the dead body: hands, arms, feets and heads. Many began shouting; many cried. Yet, above all else whos in torment was the mother.She lost her child. Out of nowhere, I had a desire of strolling over the front line, shouting to us to be tranquil or were dead .It was an enlivening reaction, my heart was dashing quick, as I gradually strolled through the jaws of death. As I was strolling I halted, it arrived at a point where I couldt talk no more. I stopped and solidified in seclusion and an idea, sprung up in my brain, however, I dont need to bite the dust and I dont need any longer beyond words. This idea was eating me inside, the feeling of reality had been built up, I knew this wasnt a fantasy. I didnt realize what to do. I dont mind seeing dead tissue however I dont need to make life hard for my folks. I knew without me, they are nothing. All I felt was forlornness and torment, as one day each living soul will bear such a punishment.Another one of them needed to catch our eye again as everyones lost in their world.The youthful individual pointed a slug at hound. We could see its doggy hound eyes blacking out in dread. Out of nowhere, another person came and made all the difference. The man who was prepared to hazard his life for us all represented mankind. Approaching them for what they want.The answer was nothing. They fled when a squad car came pass.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Importance Of Entrepreneurs Understanding Business Law - 1100 Words

Explain The Importance Of Entrepreneurs Understanding Business Law (Essay Sample) Content: Business Torts and Ethics PaperName:Institution:Date:IntroductionAs an entrepreneur, there are different features of working a business that one must know about. With the normal schedules of working a business, the proprietor should likewise be educated on laws that may relate to the business or could influence the business. The occurrence that happened at College Heights Condos raised inquiries on where the duty lies, with the proprietor or the imposter. The responsibility is weighted legitimately as harm caused. How this matter is taken care of by the proprietor mirrors the sort of business morals College Heights Condos is overseen by. Understanding the torts and morals shed light on the result (Alan, 2003).IntruderOn the night in the question, the imposter entered Sharon's room through the first floor sliding glass entrance without consent. The interloper was not welcomed into Sharon's home and in this way was trespassing. The principal wrongdoing of the intruder f or this situation was breaking into Sharon's condo. The interloper then started to utilize a weapon and cut Sharon, as well as the inhabitant administrator Darryl too. His activities can be considered as threatening behavior. The intruder is certainly at risk for the wounds he brought on amid his break in. A civil suit can likewise be documented on the imposter for intentional torts he conferred against Darryl and Sharon. The tort is battery with the goal to bring about damage. The interloper will likewise confront the tort of attack if the casualties saw the coming battery before it endeavored. If that in reality, the intruder would have never broken into the flat, the wounds would not have happened. Yes, the intruder is at risk for what he has done. Sharon and Darryl can demonstrate that the intruder was trespassing because Sharon never gave the assailant authorization to enter her flat. Sharon and Darryl can likewise demonstrate causation fact (Arthur Barnes, 2003). If the inter loper would have never constrained the bolt on the sliding entryway open, then the damage would have never occurred.Legal responsibilitiesAs the apartment owner, I would be considered dependable if the interloper entered an entryway that was not appropriately ready to bolt. It is not the obligation of the property administration to secure the occupants. In this manner, as the proprietor of the building we are not subject to for the wounds that Sharon is vital for inhabitants to check their rent to comprehend what the landowner duties are the point at which a thievery happens. In spite of the fact that Darryl is procured as the occupant director, his obligations are to outside the extent of his set of working responsibilities. Darryl activities were praiseworthy and gallant. In any case, Darryl's activities bomb past the scope of his obligations and occupant director. As the property proprietor, we are not at risk for Darryl's harms(Marshall,2003). It would have been best for Darryl to call the suitable powers and record a report of the occurrence. This will take into consideration the police to react and archive what occurred.Moral obligations to Sharon and DarrylMorals are fundamental types of human conduct instructed from youth. At the end of the day, morals are something to separate for a man to choose what is correct and what isn't right. With each idea of morals will change. Two individuals won't be the same, and their reasoning will be distinctive. However, there are some fundamental principles which make it notwithstanding for everybody with regards to morals. There are guidelines and directions to ensure proprietor and inhabitants relations given moral qualities and legitimate necessities of each nation. However, moral qualities change from individual to individual and can't be instructed or forced(Reed et al, 2003). The essential truth is those landowners who have high sound principles and regard moral qualities will dependably have qualit y occupants. Landowner inhabitant connection will rely on conduct and how strong they are amid great and terrible circumstances. When it just gets to be, cash contact property owners and residents will, in the long run, arrive after having an intense connection which is bad for business and both sides. For an inhabitant, it's their home, and they expect an understandable climate in all methods and as a property owner, it is my obligation to guarantee the living environment is okay. As the landowner, it is my moral duty to ensure Sharon and Darryl are getting whatever support they require on this circumstance. As a person, I have to comprehend and furnish them with enough mental and physical help. They are assaulted by a trespasser and got harmed, and it's my obligation to guarantee they are recouping from their injury speedier and are once more into their typical life.What should you do to prevent or mitigate such risks?Due to the potential obligation for giving a safe workplace, I would offer a security framework for the whole unpredictable and encourage occupants to get single systems for their individual homes. Putting security framework in every single flat would turn out to be a great deal more expensive than a va...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Anne Sexton The Dark Side - 1142 Words

Caleb Winfrey Professor Harris English 102 27 July 2015 Anne Sexton: The Dark Side Mental illness is a taboo subject that has plagued people throughout time. Poet Anne Sexton was one of them. She struggled throughout her entire life, like many others have struggled. She was lost and depressed—misunderstood. Sexton’s childhood was surrounded by abuse. To cope, Sexton wrote poetry to describe her struggle with mental illness. Her verses express her feelings of helplessness as her life plunged into a downward spiral. Sexton poured her heart and soul into her writing, expressing her emotions on paper, resulting in raw, powerful, beautiful poetry. Although Sexton’s life ended prematurely, the impact of her writings on the reader opens a door to discussions about mental illness. It continues to help others cope with their own issues. Born November 9, 1928, in Newton, Massachusetts, Anne Gray Harvey was the daughter of a successful businessman. In 1947, at the age of 19, Harvey married Alfred Muller Sexton II, changing her name to Anne Sexton ( Six years later, Sexton gave birth to her first child, Linda, to whom she passed down the same childhood abuse that she had received (â€Å"Anne Sexton’s Controversy†). The following year, at the age of 26, Sexton suffered her first mental breakdown and was admitted to a neuropsychiatric hospital after being diagnosed with postpartum depression. This marked the beginning of her life long battle with mental illness. In 1955,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Starry Night 853 Words   |  4 Pagesentitled, â€Å"Vincent† and â€Å"The Starry Night†, written by Don McClean and Anne Sexton, respectively. While the poem â€Å"Vincent†, has a depressing tone to it, â€Å"The Starry Night†, by Anne Sexton, depicts Starry Night as having a more lively mood, which more accurately represents that of the painting, by Vincent Van Gogh. Within the poem â€Å"Vincent†, written by Don McClean, a sense of a depressing mood is created through the use of dark diction, detail and figurative language. Throughout his poem, McClean expressesRead MoreDoes Anne Sexton Want A Happily Ever After?1264 Words   |  6 PagesDoes Anne Sexton Want A Happily Ever After? A â€Å"Cinderella story† is a story in which people start out with a very unfortunate life and then become very wealthy by some type of luck. A Cinderella story is a type of myth, or fairytale. Poems sometimes add details to famous myths to reveal a meaning that is deeper than what was originally intended. The meaning of a true Cinderella story is that hard work always prospers and that the underdog always comes out on top. However in Anne Sexton’s versionRead MoreAnalysis Of Starry Night 882 Words   |  4 Pagesunderstand Van Gogh’s reason for painting Starry Night. One way that people have used to try to understand him is through ekphrastic poetry, which is poetry about a work of art, such as Anne Sexton’s ‘The Starry Night† poem and Don McClean’s â€Å"Vincent (Starry, Starry Night).† While â€Å"The Starry Night† by Anne Sexton depicts Starry Night as having an ominous mood, the empathetic mood in â€Å"Vincent (Starry, Starry Night),† by Don McClean, with its use of sympathetic diction, detail, and figurative languageRead MoreAnne Sexton Wanting to Die1574 Words   |  7 PagesAnne Sexton: An Analysis of â€Å"Wanting To Die† In â€Å"Wanting To Die†, Anne Sexton illustrates vividly an analogy that compares one’s desire to commit suicide and drug addiction. Though this poem may initially seem to revolve around the themes of death and suicide, there are several examples in the poem that can be referenced to drug addiction and the intentions of the drug user. In general, the tone of this poem is luridly depressing as it produces an imagery that is painstakingly dark and morbid. ItRead MoreThe Confessional Mode Of Poetry Essay1454 Words   |  6 Pagesit attempts to â€Å"transcend the self† and expose collective experience and embody the world outside the self (Waggoner, 506 qted in Lynn p43), a melting and â€Å"fusion of the private and the culturally symbolic† ( Rosanthal , 80 qted in Lynn p 43) . Anne Sexton (1928–1974) is one of the major American poets who had successfully achieved that sense of â€Å"fusion† while handling themes and issues that were percei ved, at that time, as social taboos. Sexton’s epoch-echoing poem, â€Å"Her Kind† published in 1960,Read More‘What Writers Tend to Demonstrate in Texts Which Explore Relationships Between Men and Women, Is That Women Have Always Been Relatively Powerless and the Victims of Society’s Double Standards’ Compare and Contrast the3734 Words   |  15 Pagesconstantly one of debate and controversy. For centuries women have struggled to exert any power or individual identity through times of male dominance. The novel The Great Gatsby as well as the play A Streetcar Named Desire and lastly the poetry of Anne Sexton, were all written during the 20th Century in America. Throughout the 20th Century, attitudes towards women in the USA were changing, the war had given an opportunity for women to realize and prove that they could look after the household withoutRead More Confessional Poetry Essay1738 Words   |  7 Pagesemotional problems that needed to be deal t with. Plath coped with these issues in her poetry after she was influenced by Lowell’s Life Studies. One of her most well-known poems, â€Å"Daddy,† illustrates her open and unbridled fascination with the dark side of divinity, as she commonly questioned her personal relationship with God within her poems: Not God but a swastika So black no sky could squeak through. Every woman adores a Fascist, The boot in the face,Read MorePoetry Is A Complex And Difficult Genre2823 Words   |  12 PagesPoetry is a complex and difficult genre: for some, it is a beautiful outlet for all intense emotions to run free, and for others, it is the bottom of the horrible barrel of literature and the bane of existence. But whichever side of the spectrum you are on, the fact remains that poets skillfully condense an intense amount of meaning into few words. Reading a poem the first time is an experience, the diction, imagery, and music washes over all of the senses at once, not allowing for much contemplationRead MoreCorrelations between Creativity and Mental Illness Essay1604 Words   |  7 Pagesshould be extremely careful HOWEVER not to automatically associate mental illness with great creative art. As many instances of great artists who suffered of painful mental illness show (from the novelist Virginia Woolf, to the poets Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, and Robert Lowell, to the great painters Vincent Van Gogh and Edward Munch), great art also requires patience, dedication, and constant self-control in order to organize creative material in a coherent fashion. Creativity is oneRead MoreThe Romantic Era Of Emily Bronte s Wuthering Heights2095 Words   |  9 Pagesmother, the children went to the Clergy Daughters School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire. Brontà « learnt foreign languages, as well as school management. She wrote only one novel, which is Wuthering Heights. She was the greatest of her two sisters; Anne and Charlotte, although her writing record was meagre. Brontà « had an innovative style in writing, which conveys energy, emotion, and violence. All of these are shown in a great deal in her novel Wuthering Heights. After the novel s publication, her

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of...

The past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of political, territorial and religious turmoil. Despite the numerous wars and conflicts found throughout the history of this region, problems within the last half-century followed the 1967 War. The consequences that followed not only succeeded into further conflicts, but also established an underlying future for the region. Whether it determined alliances, enemies or configuration, the 1967 War laid out the preliminary foundation for its regions future. The 1967 War undoubtedly implemented consequences, and these are what ignited the Lebanese Civil War. The flow of Palestinian refugees Beirut, Lebanon started following the 1948 war in Palestine. The aftermath of this war created†¦show more content†¦This resulted in four religious factions of power amongst the people in Lebanon, the Phalangist Party (mostly Maronites), the Druze, the Shi’i (Amal and Hezbollah) and the Sunni (Arab Army of Lebanon). For this reaso n, the country of Lebanon was in the midst of a civil war. With war on the arise and the Lebanese army incapable of bearing arms against fellow Muslims, the Phalangist militia sparked the Civil war with an attack on Palestinian camps in Beirut. The Palestinian regime retaliated and gained additional forces that drove the Phalangist militia to East Beirut and the North side of the Mount Lebanon. Victory was in Palestinian reach until Franjiyeh plead for a cease-fire from Syria, which was later granted in 1976. The Syrian intervention did not just stop the war, it more importantly, prevented Palestinian escape from Syrian influence, and possible conflict with Israel. This period of peace would not last. Bashir Gemayel reconsolidated Maronite forces and controlled the Lebanon Front from 1977-1982. Bashir also formed an important allegiance with Israel in 1980. It was enviable that Israel would invade Lebanon, however, it was not until 1982 following countless Palestinian acts of terrorism. With the Israeli invasion came bombardments killing thousands, both soldiers and civilians. Furthermore, Bashir Gemayel, Israeli ally, was elected as Lebanese president. However, his presidency wouldShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pages E SSAYS ON TWENTIETH-C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. 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The case studies which follow allow the reader to extend this linking of theory and practiceRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pages1997 Reprinted 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003 Third edition 2005 Copyright  © 1992, 1997, 2005, Richard M.S. Wilson and Colin Gilligan. All rights reserved The right of Richard M.S. Wilson and Colin Gilligan to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentallyRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words   |  522 PagesLearni ng Objectives 3. Marketing Management 3.1. Evolution of marketing management 3.2. The Role of Marketing 3.3. Marketing concepts 3.4. The Marketing Mix (The 4 P s Of Marketing) 3.5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Ethics in Marketing 4. Have you understood type questions 5. Summary 6. Exercises 7. References 1. INTRODUCTION: The apex body in United States of America for the Marketing functions, American Marketing Association (AMA) defines marketing as â€Å"Marketing consists of those activitiesRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . 46 . 48 . 50 . 52 . 55 . 58 . 60 Section 2: Planning 4—Planning Information Services and Systems . . . . . . . 65 Techniques and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Environment for Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Planning ModelsRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words   |  604 PagesCHAPTER 1 Changing Nature of Human Resource Management After you have read this chapter, you should be able to: ââ€"  Identify four major HR challenges currently facing organizations and managers. List and define each of the seven major categories of HR activities. Identify the three different roles of HR management. Discuss the three dimensions associated with HR management as a strategic business contributor. Explain why HR professionals and operating managers must view HR management as an

International Management Research Reviews -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The International Management Research Reviews? Answer: Introduction: This is to be noted that Blue Ocean Strategy is known as the significant impactful and iconic business strategy. This strategy usually denotes to the formation by an individual new company, unchallenged industry space that states the rivals immaterial and that makes new customer value frequent during costs decreasing. It is to be mentioned that this specific strategy was mentioned for the first time by Rene Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim in the popular book with their name (Randall, 2015). Blue Ocean Strategy offers a competitive benefit to the business: This is to be stated that the evaluation of a business plays an important role in order to denote the need of reanalyzing the market strategies and entry of the "blue ocean." Red Ocean It can be said that the specific company who has business strategies comprising the struggle for a portion of limited sales, comes under the category the red ocean (Leibtag, 2013). The particular business plan should engage rivalry with the other significant companies in order to rise the company share. It is evident if company becomes absolutely unsparing with the specific entries of the new rivals then the revenues expected to decrease. Therefore it is essential for a company to leave the specific red ocean and opt for the blue ocean if the rivals wish their rivalry to be inappropriate. Source Exceeds Plea: Significant companies find it easier to provide significant amount of product due to the technological improvement. This is to be noted the increasing number of production does not provide the idea that the demand for the increment does not increase as per the supply. It is evident that the companies who are under the red ocean with other significant rival companies that also have a hefty amount of supply, the rivalry and combating profit will increase. Therefore, it is always beneficial for the companies to get into the blue ocean to look for new scopes. The example of Apple can be taken where it is clearly being seen that the success of Apple was marked with its entry in blue ocean market along with the iPhone, iPad, iPod (Mickey 2013) Unappealing Industry: The absolutely new companies can wish to take a portion of the pie, diving the beneficial profits with other significant companies in the red ocean when entering to an unappealing and competitive industry. According to Mauborgne and Kim, the Yellow Tail, a significant Australian wine company, utilized the blue ocean strategy when it determined not to contest in the red ocean with the specific wine brands of French and Italian. Other Companies Imitate You It is evident if a company can work successfully in the significant blue ocean, it might appeal to the other specific companies. It can transform the blue ocean space to a red one for the company. Therefore it is vital for a company to discriminate themselves in that case. This is to be noted that Kim and Mauborgne has utilized the, a consumer relationship management method, as a significant example of an individual company that reformed in the blue ocean when others take part in the competition (Williams, 2015). Analysis of two principles of Blue Ocean Strategy with my professional experience: Reconstructing market boundaries: This particular principle identified the specific paths to help me creating unchallenged industry space across the multiple domains and reducing the risk (Chandrakala, 2013). It has offered me guidance to make the rivalry irrelevant by finding the six predictable boundaries of rivalry to be exposed financially significant blue oceans. The six paths are to concentrate on: alternative market place strategic collectives customer groups alternative products service provide It needs to be analyzed on the basis of the functional-emotional dependence of a company across the specific time and zone. Build execution into strategy: This is to be noted that I have motivated to execute blue ocean strategy in order to survive with my company in the organization. This principle comprises a significant fair process as this strategy positively represents a significant withdrawal from the particular status quo (Sull 2015). The fair process has helped me both in making the strategy as per the company and market requirement and the execution of this strategy by mobilizing the crowd for the charitable assistance with the help of the execution of blue ocean strategy. It helped me understanding the management risk related to the positive attitude and practice. Conclusion: This is to be concluded that Blue Ocean Strategy plays an important role in helping a company to analyze the risk factors, plan accordingly and execute the plans in the proper way. It is evident that leaving the Red Ocean and entering into Blue Ocean has been proved to be beneficial to a significant number of companies. This report has analyzed the importance and the circumstances of the execution of the blue ocean strategies. It also records how this strategy has helped me professionally to survive with my company. References: Chandrakala, V. G., Devaru, S. D. B. (2013). Blue ocean strategy and bottom of the pyramid marketing.International Journal of Management Research and Reviews,3(7), 3080. Leibtag, A. (2013).The digital crown: winning at content on the web. Newnes. Mickey, S. F. (2013). Constructing The Prophet: Steve Jobs and the Messianic Myth of Apple. Randall, R. M. (2015). W. Chan Kim and Rene Mauborgne dispel blue ocean myths.Strategy Leadership,43(2), 11-14. Sull, D., Homkes, R., Sull, C. (2015). Why strategy execution unravelsand what to do about it.Harvard Business Review,93(3), 57-66. Williams, J. C., Platt, A., Lee, J. (2015). Disruptive innovation: new models of legal practice.Hastings LJ,67, 1.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Lord Of The Flies Characters Essays - Fiction,

Lord Of The Flies Characters Lord of the Flies In his first novel, William Golding used a group of boys stranded on a tropical island to illustrate the malicious nature of mankind. Lord of the Flies dealt with changes that the boys underwent as they gradually adapted to the isolated freedom from society. Three main characters depicted different effects on certain individuals under those circumstances. Jack Merridew began as the arrogant and self-righteous leader of a choir. The freedom of the island allowed him to further develop the darker side of his personality as the Chief of a savage tribe. Ralph started as a self-assured boy whose confidence in himself came from the acceptance of his peers. He had a fair nature as he was willing to listen to Piggy. He became increasingly dependent on Piggy's wisdom and became lost in the confusion around him. Towards the end of the story his rejection from their society of savage boys forced him to fend for himself. Piggy was an educated boy who had grown up as an outcast. Due to his academic childhood, he was more mature than the others and retained his civilized behaviour. But his experiences on the island gave him a more realistic understanding of the cruelty possessed by some people. The ordeals of the three boys on the island made them more aware of the evil inside themselves and, in some cases, made the false politeness that had clothed them disappear. However, the changes experienced by one boy differed from those endured by another. This is attributable to the physical and mental differences between them. Jack was first described with having an air of cruelty that made him naturally unlikeable. As leader of the choir and one of the tallest boys on the island, Jack's physical height and authority matched his arrogant personality. His desire to be Chief was clearly evident in his first appearance. When the idea of having a Chief was mentioned Jack spoke out immediately. I ought to be chief, said Jack with simple arrogance, because I'm chapter chorister and head boy. He led his choir by administering much discipline resulting in forced obedience from the cloaked boys. His ill-nature was well expressed through his impoliteness in saying, Shut up, Fatty. at Piggy (p. 23). However, despite his unpleasant personality, his lack of courage and his conscience prevented him from killing the first pig they encountered: They knew very well why he hadn't: because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood (p. 34). Even at the meetings, Jack was able to contain himself under the leadership of Ralph. He had even suggested the implementation of rules to regulate themselves. This was a Jack who was proud to be British, and who was shaped and still bound by the laws of a civilized society. The freedom offered to him by the island allowed Jack to express the darker sides of his personality that were repressed by the ideals of his past environment. Without adults as a superior and responsible authority, he began to lose his fear of being punished for improper actions and behaviour. This freedom along with his malicious and arrogant personality made it possible for him to quickly degenerate into a savage. He put on paint, first to camouflage himself from the pigs. But he discovered that the paint allowed him to hide the forbidden thoughts in his mind that his facial expressions would otherwise show: The mask was a thing on its own behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness (p. 69). Through hunting, Jack lost his fear of blood and of killing living animals. He reached a point where he actually enjoyed the sensation of hunting a prey afraid of his spear and knife. His natural desire for blood and violence was brought out by his hunting of pigs. As Ralph became lost in his own confusion, Jack began to assert himself as chief. The boys realizing that Jack was a stronger and more self-assured leader gave in easily to the freedom of Jack's savagery. Placed in a position of power and with his followers sharing his crazed hunger for violence, Jack gained encouragement